API | Description |
GET AssetFormTypes/GetAllForAsset?assetId={assetId} |
Retrieves all asset form types for the given asset. This includes asset form types of that asset that may not have a value. |
GET AssetFormTypes?assetId={assetId}&formTypeId={formTypeId} |
Retrieves asset form types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. Asset form types represent a particular asset's overrides of the form types of its asset type. |
GET AssetFormTypes?assetFormTypeId={assetFormTypeId} |
Retrieves an asset form type by its Id. |
PUT AssetFormTypes |
Updates an asset form type. |
API | Description |
GET AssetGroups/ByLastModifiedDate?beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves asset groups for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET AssetGroups?parentGroupId={parentGroupId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves asset groups for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET AssetGroups?assetGroupId={assetGroupId} |
Retrieves an asset group by its Id. |
POST AssetGroups |
Creates a new group. |
PUT AssetGroups |
Updates the given group. |
DELETE AssetGroups |
Deletes the given group, including its assets. |
API | Description |
GET AssetMeasurementTypes/GetAllForAsset?assetId={assetId} |
Retrieves all asset measurement types for the given asset. This includes asset measurement types of that asset that may not have a value. |
GET AssetMeasurementTypes?assetId={assetId}&measurementTypeId={measurementTypeId} |
Retrieves asset measurement types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. Asset measurement types represent a particular asset's overrides of the measurement types of its asset type. |
GET AssetMeasurementTypes?assetMeasurementTypeId={assetMeasurementTypeId} |
Retrieves an asset measurement type by its Id. |
PUT AssetMeasurementTypes |
Updates an asset measurement type. |
API | Description |
PUT Assets/UpdateLocation |
Updates the given asset's location. |
PUT Assets/UpdateBarcode |
Updates the given asset's barcode. |
GET Assets/ByLastModifiedDate?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves assets for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Assets?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&assetGroupId={assetGroupId}&parentAssetId={parentAssetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves assets for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Assets?assetId={assetId}&includeAllAncestors={includeAllAncestors} |
Retrieves an asset by its Id. |
POST Assets |
Creates a new asset. |
PUT Assets |
Updates the given asset. |
DELETE Assets |
Deletes the given asset. |
API | Description |
GET AssetTypes?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves asset types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET AssetTypes?assetTypeId={assetTypeId} |
Retrieves an asset type by its Id. |
POST AssetTypes |
Creates a new asset type. |
PUT AssetTypes |
Updates the given asset type. |
DELETE AssetTypes |
Deletes the given asset type, including all assets of that type. |
API | Description |
GET AttachmentCategories?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves attachment categories for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET AttachmentCategories?attachmentCategoryId={attachmentCategoryId} |
Retrieves an attachment category by its Id. |
POST AttachmentCategories |
Creates a new attachment category. |
PUT AttachmentCategories |
Updates the given attachment category. |
DELETE AttachmentCategories |
Deletes the given attachment category. |
API | Description |
GET AuditLog?tables={tables}&startDateTime={startDateTime}&endDateTime={endDateTime}&skip={skip}&take={take} |
Get the AuditLog entries from a curtain date range. |
API | Description |
GET DataTypes |
Retrieves WellTraq's data types. These are read-only. |
GET DataTypes?dataTypeId={dataTypeId} |
Retrieves a data type by its Id. |
API | Description |
PUT FormTypes/UpdateValueNeededDate |
Updates the given form types's value needed date. |
GET FormTypes?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves form types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET FormTypes?formTypeId={formTypeId} |
Retrieves a form type by its Id. |
POST FormTypes |
Creates a new form type. |
PUT FormTypes |
Updates the given form type. |
DELETE FormTypes |
Deletes the given form type, including all forms of that type. |
API | Description |
GET Injections/ByStartDate?assetId={assetId}&injectionSourceTypeId={injectionSourceTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves injections for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Injections/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&injectionSourceTypeId={injectionSourceTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves injections for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Injections?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves injections for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Injections?injectionId={injectionId} |
Retrieves an injection by its Id. |
POST Injections |
Creates a new injection. |
PUT Injections |
Updates the given injection. |
DELETE Injections |
Deletes the given injection. |
API | Description |
GET InjectionSourceTypes?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves injection source types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET InjectionSourceTypes?injectionSourceTypeId={injectionSourceTypeId} |
Retrieves an injection source type by its Id. |
POST InjectionSourceTypes |
Creates a new injection source type. |
PUT InjectionSourceTypes |
Updates the given injection source type. |
DELETE InjectionSourceTypes |
Deletes the given injection source type, including all injections of that type. |
API | Description |
GET Measurements/ByEffectiveDate?assetId={assetId}&measurementTypeId={measurementTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves measurements for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Measurements/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&measurementTypeId={measurementTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves measurements for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Measurements?assetId={assetId}&measurementTypeId={measurementTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves measurements for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Measurements?measurementId={measurementId} |
Retrieves a measurement by its Id. |
POST Measurements |
Creates a new measurement. |
PUT Measurements |
Updates the given measurement. |
DELETE Measurements |
Deletes the given measurement. |
API | Description |
PUT MeasurementTypes/UpdateValueNeededDate |
Updates the given measurement types's value needed date. |
GET MeasurementTypes?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves measurement types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET MeasurementTypes?measurementTypeId={measurementTypeId} |
Retrieves a measurement type by its Id. |
POST MeasurementTypes |
Creates a new measurement type. |
PUT MeasurementTypes |
Updates the given measurement type. |
DELETE MeasurementTypes |
Deletes the given measurement type, including all measurements of that type. |
API | Description |
GET NoteCategories?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves note categories for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET NoteCategories?noteCategoryId={noteCategoryId} |
Retrieves a note category by its Id. |
POST NoteCategories |
Creates a new note category. |
PUT NoteCategories |
Updates the given note category. |
DELETE NoteCategories |
Deletes the given note category. |
API | Description |
GET Notes/ByEffectiveDate?assetId={assetId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves notes for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Notes/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves notes for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Notes?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves notes for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Notes?noteId={noteId} |
Retrieves a note by its Id |
POST Notes |
Creates a new note. |
PUT Notes |
Updates the given note. |
DELETE Notes |
Deletes the given note. |
API | Description |
GET Properties/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&propertyTypeId={propertyTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves properties for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Properties/GetAllForAsset?assetId={assetId} |
Retrieves all properties for the given asset. This includes properties of that asset that may not have a value. |
GET Properties?assetId={assetId}&propertyTypeId={propertyTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves properties for the given parameters. This will only retrieve properties that have a value. All parameters are optional. |
GET Properties?propertyId={propertyId} |
Retrieves a property by its Id. |
POST Properties |
Creates a new property. |
PUT Properties |
Updates the given property. |
DELETE Properties |
Deletes the given property. |
API | Description |
GET PropertyTypes?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves property types for the given parameters. |
GET PropertyTypes?propertyTypeId={propertyTypeId} |
Retrieves a property type by its Id. |
POST PropertyTypes |
Creates a new property type. |
PUT PropertyTypes |
Updates the given property type. |
DELETE PropertyTypes |
Deletes the given property type, including all properties of that type. |
API | Description |
GET States/ByEffectiveDate?assetId={assetId}&stateTypeId={stateTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves states for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET States/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&stateTypeId={stateTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves states for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET States?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves states for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET States?stateId={stateId} |
Retrieves a state by its Id. |
POST States |
Creates a new state. |
PUT States |
Updates the given state. |
DELETE States |
Deletes the given state. |
API | Description |
GET StateTypes?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves state types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET StateTypes?stateTypeId={stateTypeId} |
Retrieves a state type by its Id. |
POST StateTypes |
Creates a new state type. |
PUT StateTypes |
Updates the given state type. |
DELETE StateTypes |
Deletes the given state type, including all states of that type. |
API | Description |
GET Statuses/ByEffectiveDate?assetId={assetId}&statusTypeId={statusTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves statuses for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Statuses/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&statusTypeId={statusTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves statuses for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Statuses?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves statuses for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Statuses?statusId={statusId} |
Retrieves a status by its Id. |
POST Statuses |
Creates a new status. |
PUT Statuses |
Updates the given status. |
DELETE Statuses |
Deletes the given status. |
API | Description |
GET StatusTypes?assetTypeId={assetTypeId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves status types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET StatusTypes?statusTypeId={statusTypeId} |
Retrieves a status type by its Id. |
POST StatusTypes |
Creates a new status type. |
PUT StatusTypes |
Updates the given status type. |
DELETE StatusTypes |
Deletes the given status type, including all statuses of that type. |
API | Description |
GET TaskCategories?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves task categories for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET TaskCategories?taskCategoryId={taskCategoryId} |
Retrieves an task category by its Id. |
POST TaskCategories |
Creates a new task category. |
PUT TaskCategories |
Updates the given task category. |
DELETE TaskCategories |
Deletes the given task category. |
API | Description |
GET TaskStatusTypes?includeCompanyId={includeCompanyId}&includeDefaults={includeDefaults} |
Retrieves WellTraq's task status types. These are read-only. |
GET TaskStatusTypes?taskStatusTypeId={taskStatusTypeId} |
Retrieves a task status type by its Id. |
POST TaskStatusTypes |
Creates a task status type. |
PUT TaskStatusTypes |
Updates a task status type by its Id. |
DELETE TaskStatusTypes |
Deletes a task status type by its Id. |
API | Description |
GET TaskStatusTypeTaskType?taskStatusTypeTaskTypeId={taskStatusTypeTaskTypeId}&taskStatusTypeId={taskStatusTypeId}&taskTypeId={taskTypeId} |
Retrieves a companies task status types to task types association. These are read-only. |
POST TaskStatusTypeTaskType |
Creates a task status type. |
DELETE TaskStatusTypeTaskType |
Deletes a task status type by its Id. |
API | Description |
GET TaskTypes?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves task types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET TaskTypes?taskTypeId={taskTypeId} |
Retrieves a task type by its Id. |
POST TaskTypes |
No documentation available. |
PUT TaskTypes |
Updates the given task type. |
DELETE TaskTypes |
Deletes the given task type, including all tasks of that type. |
API | Description |
GET Teams?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves teams for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Teams?teamId={teamId} |
Retrieves a team by its Id. |
POST Teams |
Creates a new team. |
PUT Teams |
Updates the given team. |
DELETE Teams |
Deletes the given team. |
API | Description |
GET Units?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves units for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Units?unitId={unitId} |
Retrieves a unit by its Id. |
POST Units |
Creates a unit. |
PUT Units |
Updates the given unit. |
DELETE Units |
Deletes the given unit. This will not delete property types or measurement types that use this unit. |
API | Description |
POST Users/Validate |
Validates the given user. |
GET Users?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves users for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET Users?userId={userId} |
Retrieves a user by their Id. |
POST Users |
Creates a new user. |
PUT Users |
Updates the given user. |
DELETE Users |
Deletes the given user. The user to delete cannot be in the Owner role. Also, the user making this request cannot delete their own account. |
API | Description |
GET WellDailyTheoreticals/ByEffectiveDate?assetId={assetId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves well daily theoreticals for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellDailyTheoreticals/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves well daily theoreticals for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellDailyTheoreticals?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves well daily theoreticals for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellDailyTheoreticals?wellDailyTheoreticalId={wellDailyTheoreticalId} |
Retrieves a well daily theoretical by its Id. |
API | Description |
GET WellPurposes/ByEffectiveDate?assetId={assetId}&wellPurposeTypeId={wellPurposeTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves well purposes for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellPurposes/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&wellPurposeTypeId={wellPurposeTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves well purposes for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellPurposes?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves well purposes for the given parameters. This will only retrieve well purposes that have a value. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellPurposes?wellPurposeId={wellPurposeId} |
Retrieves a well purpose by its Id. |
POST WellPurposes |
Creates a new well purpose. |
PUT WellPurposes |
Updates the given well purpose. |
DELETE WellPurposes |
Deletes the given well purpose. |
API | Description |
GET WellPurposeTypes?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves well purpose types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellPurposeTypes?wellPurposeTypeId={wellPurposeTypeId} |
Retrieves a well purpose type by its Id. |
POST WellPurposeTypes |
Creates a new well purpose type. |
PUT WellPurposeTypes |
Updates the given well purpose type. |
DELETE WellPurposeTypes |
Deletes the given well purpose type, including all well purposes of that type. |
API | Description |
GET WellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypes?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves well test exclude from production reason types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypes?wellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypeId={wellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypeId} |
Retrieves a well test exclude from production reason type by its Id. |
POST WellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypes |
Creates a new well test exclude from production reason type. |
PUT WellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypes |
Updates the given well test exclude from production reason type. |
DELETE WellTestExcludeFromProductionReasonTypes |
Deletes the given well test exclude from production reason type, including all well tests of that type. |
API | Description |
GET WellTestMethodTypes |
Retrieves WellTraq's well test method types. These are read-only. |
GET WellTestMethodTypes?wellTestMethodTypeId={wellTestMethodTypeId} |
Retrieves a well test method type by its Id. |
API | Description |
GET WellTests/ByStartDate?assetId={assetId}&wellTestSourceTypeId={wellTestSourceTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves well tests for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellTests/ByLastModifiedDate?assetId={assetId}&wellTestSourceTypeId={wellTestSourceTypeId}&beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Retrieves well tests for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellTests?assetId={assetId}&take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves well tests for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellTests?wellTestId={wellTestId} |
Retrieves a well test by its Id. |
POST WellTests |
Creates a new well test. |
PUT WellTests |
Updates the given well test. |
DELETE WellTests |
Deletes the given well test. |
API | Description |
GET WellTestSourceTypes?take={take}&skip={skip}&sort[0].Field={sort[0].Field}&sort[0].Dir={sort[0].Dir}&sort[1].Field={sort[1].Field}&sort[1].Dir={sort[1].Dir} |
Retrieves well test source types for the given parameters. All parameters are optional. |
GET WellTestSourceTypes?wellTestSourceTypeId={wellTestSourceTypeId} |
Retrieves a well test source type by its Id. |
POST WellTestSourceTypes |
Creates a new well test source type. |
PUT WellTestSourceTypes |
Updates the given well test source type. |
DELETE WellTestSourceTypes |
Deletes the given well test source type, including all well tests of that type. |